Validating position reconstruction algorithm with 241Am-9Be neutron source in DEAP-3600
ICPPA2024 Proceedings
Aidar Ilyasov
Dark matter search in DEAP-3600: status and prospects
ICHEP 2024 Proceedings
Michela Lai
Direct Detection Searches for Dark Matter Particles at High Mass
Canadian Journal of Physics
Simon Viel
Recent results on a machine learning approach to event position reconstruction in the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search Experiment
ICPPC2023 Proceedings
Aidar Ilyasov
Study of the energy calibration with Na-22 source in DEAP-3600 and comparison between data and Monte Carlo
LIDINE 2023 Proceedings
Ludovico Luzzi
The DEAP-3600 liquid argon optical model and NEST updates
LIDINE 2023 Proceedings
Shawn Westerdale
Latest results from the DEAP-3600 experiment at SNOLAB
TAUP 2023 Proceedings
Simon Viel
DEAP-3600 – Latest results from the largest liquid argon dark matter experiment
ICRC 2023 Proceedings
Roxanne Turcotte
Machine learning approach in event position reconstruction in DEAP-3600 dark matter search experiment
ICPPA 2022 Proceedings
Aidar Ilyasov
Recent results from DEAP-3600
LIDINE2022 Proceedings
Michela Lai
Status of the DEAP-3600 experiment
Lepton-photon Proceedings
Susnata Seth
Status of the DEAP-3600 experiment
TAUP2021 Proceedings
Marcin Kuźniak
Planck scale multi-scattering dark matter in DEAP-3600
TAUP2021 Proceedings
Michela Lai
The DEAP-3600 Experiment
ICRC2021 Proceedings
Mark Stringer
The DEAP-3600 Experiment
Rencontres des Moriond 2021 Proceedings (pagg 465-468)
Ariel Zuñiga Reyes
Dark matter search results from DEAP-3600 at SNOLAB
ICHEP2020 Proceedings
Simon Viel
Boosted decision trees approach to neck alpha events discrimination in DEAP-3600 experiment
Aidar Ilyasov and Alexey Grobov, Physica Scripta, 95, 7 (2020)
Position reconstruction using photon timing for the DEAP-3600 dark matter experiment
LIDINE2019 Proceedings
Y. Chen, JINST 15 C05061 (2020)
Analysis and Dark Matter Search Results from DEAP-3600 with 231 Live Days at SNOLAB
TAUP 2019 Proceedings
S. Westerdale
Latest Results from the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search with 231 live days at SNOLAB
Rencontres de Moriond 2019 Proceedings
S. Westerdale
DEAP-3600 Recent Dark Matter Results
Proceedings for 53rd Rencontres de Moriond, Cosmology
B. Lehnert
A new tool for (α,n) yield calculations and its implications for DEAP-3600
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques (23–27 May 2017, Seoul, Korea)
S. Westerdale
AIP Conf. Proc. 1921 (2018) 060002
On the DEAP-3600 resurfacing
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques (23–27 May 2017, Seoul, Korea)
P. Giampa
AIP Conf. Proc. 1921 (2018) 070005
Backgrounds in the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Experiment
Proceedings of TAUP 2017 – XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics
B. Lehnert
Dark matter experiment using Argon pulse-shape discrimination: DEAP-3600
C. Jillings
Proceedings for Hyperfine Interactions
Light Detection and the Wavelength Shifter Deposition in DEAP-3600
B. Broerman
Proceedings for LIDINE 2015
The DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Experiment
B. Cai (DEAP Collaboration)
American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields Meeting, 4-8 August 2015, Ann Arbor, USA
SLAC Electronic Conference Proceedings, arXiv 1511-00949
DEAP-3600 dark matter experiment
Proceedings for Physics in Collision (PIC), 2015
N. Fatemighomi
Early commissioning calibration data sets for DEAP-3600
Proceedings for TAUP 2015
B. Beltran
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 718, Dark Matter
In-situ surface contamination removal and cool-down process of the DEAP-3600 experiment
Proceedings for TAUP 2015
P. Giampa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 718, Dark Matter
DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search
P.-A. Amaudruz et al. (DEAP Collaboration)
37th International Conference on High Energy Physics, 2-9 July 2014,
Valencia, Spain
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement
Search for Dark Matter with Liquid Argon and Pulse Shape Discrimination: Results from DEAP-1 and Status of DEAP-3600
Proceeding of the 49th Rencontres de Moriond (Electroweak session), 2014
P. Gorel
DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search
Proceedings for the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), 2014
M. Kuzniak
Nucl. Part. Phys. Proceedings 273–275 (2016), 340-346
Control of Contamination of Radon-Daughters in the DEAP-3600 Acrylic Vessel
C. Jillings (DEAP Collaboration)
Low Radioactivity Techniques, 10-12 April 2013, L’Aquila, Italy
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1549 (2013) 86
Radiopurity Measurement of Acrylic for DEAP-3600
C.M. Nantais, B.T. Cleveland, M.G. Boulay
Low Radioactivity Techniques, 10-12 April 2013, L’Aquila, Italy
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1549 (2013) 185
DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB
M.G. Boulay (DEAP Collaboration)
12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, 5-9 September 2011, Munich, Germany
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 375 (2012) 012027
Surface backgrounds in the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Experiment
B. Cai, M.G. Boulay, B.T. Cleveland, T. Pollmann (DEAP Collaboration)
Low Radioactivity Techniques, 28-29 August 2010, Sudbury, Canada
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1338 (2011) 137-146
Acrylic Purification and Coatings
M. Kuzniak (DEAP Collaboration)
Low Radioactivity Techniques, 28-29 August 2010, Sudbury, Canada
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1338 (2011)
SPE Analysis of High Efficiency PMTs for the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Detector
K. Olsen, A. Hallin (DEAP/CLEAN Collaboration)
International Nuclear Physics Conference 2010 (INPC2010), 4-9 July 2010,
Vancouver, Canada
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 312 (2011) 072015
Dark Matter Search at SNOLAB with DEAP-1 and DEAP/CLEAN-3600
M.G. Boulay, B. Cai (DEAP/CLEAN Collaboration)
The XXIII Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 25-31 May
2008, Christchurch, New Zealand
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 136 (2008) 042081