Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

As an international collaboration spread between North America and Europe, we are committed to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusivity in our collaboration. These values are indeed at the base of any successful public research institution.
Our collaboration welcomes anyone who shares our interest in physics, regardless of their socio-economic condition, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, individual belief, nationality, ethnicity, or disability status. We are proud of any diversity in our community, and we aim to build an increasingly inclusive environment thanks to the collaboration of our institutional partners, who share our commitment. We are promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace thanks to our collaboration’s public engagement activities, outreach, dedicated talks, and demographic analysis.

We, as a collaboration, reject any discrimination, which unfortunately still exists in society and physics. The collaboration strongly condemns harassment, micro-aggression, stereotyping, or bullying. An EDI task force was founded to foster inclusivity in the research groups and equity practices and promote diversity in our collaboration.

A dedicated Slack channel, #edi-task-force, was created to share fresh ideas, articles, updates, and analyses from other collaborations or social studies, to keep us updated and guarantee the most efficient approaches to our collaborators. Any member in the collaboration is encouraged to join the channel and eventually actively participate in the task-force by sharing dedicated articles within the task-force and the collaboration, participating in outreach and public activities, and providing new ideas on how to promote the EDI values.

If you want to report any incident in our collaboration, any event in which you felt not included in your research group, or any condition where you did not feel comfortable within our collaboration, please write to the e-mail provided in our EDI TWiki page, reporting the case, eventually keeping the anonymity, according to your preference. The event, if you want, will be reported to the Board meetings, maintaining anonymity and any information pointing to the injured party.

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